Learn More About the Research Behind Yoga Play Kit:
Treves, I.N. et al (2022). Mindfulness supports emotional resilience in children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. medRxiv.
Bauer, C. C. C., Rozenkrantz, L., et al. (2020). Mindfulness training preserves sustained attention and resting state anticorrelation between default-mode network and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A randomized controlled trial. Human brain mapping, 41(18), 5356–5369.
Bauer, C. C. C. et al. (2019). Mindfulness training reduces stress and amygdala reactivity to fearful faces in middle-school children. Behavioral neuroscience, 133(6), 569–585.
Zhang, W., Wang, M. & Ying, L. (2019). Parental Mindfulness and Preschool Children’s Emotion Regulation: the Role of Mindful Parenting and Secure Parent-Child Attachment. Mindfulness 10, 2481–2491.
Semple, R. J., Lee, J., Rosa, D., & Miller, L. F. (2010). A randomized trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for children: promoting mindful attention to enhance social-emotional resiliency in children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 218–229.
Schonert-Reichl, K. A. et al. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 52-66
Schonert-Reichl, K. A. et al. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 52-66.
Semple, R. J., Lee, J., Rosa, D., & Miller, L. F. (2010). A randomized trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for children: promoting mindful attention to enhance social-emotional resiliency in children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(2), 218–229.
Marusek, H.A, Elrahal, F., Peters, C.A. (2018) Mindfulness and dynamic functional neural connectivity in children and adolescents.Behavioural Brain Research, 336:211-218.
Dunning DL, Griffiths K, Kuyken W, Crane C, Foulkes L, Parker J, Dalgleish T. (2019). Research Review: The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on cognition and mental health in children and adolescents - a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Child Psychol Psychiatry.
Sevinc G. et al. (2020). Hippocampal circuits underlie improvements in self‐reported anxiety following mindfulness training. Brain and Behavior. ;10 (9) :e01766
Flook, L., Goldberg, S. B., Pinger, L. J., & Davidson, R. J. (2015). Promoting prosocial behavior and self-regulatory skills in preschool children through a mindfulness-based kindness curriculum. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 44–51.
Mathur, M., Kerr, B. R., Babal, J. C., Eickhoff, J. C., Coller, R. J., & Moreno, M. A. (2021). US Parents' Acceptance of Learning About Mindfulness Practices for Parents and Children: National Cross-sectional Survey. JMIR pediatrics and parenting, 4(4), e30242.
Lebuda I, et al. (2015). Mind full of ideas: A meta-analysis of the mindfulness–creativity link.
Music & Rhythm:
Bolduc et al. (2008)The Effects of Music Instruction on Emergent Literacy Capacities among Preschool Children: A Literature Review. Early Childhood Research & Practice, v10 n1.
Williams KE, Berthelsen D. ( 2019). Implementation of a rhythm and movement intervention to support self-regulation skills of preschool-aged children in disadvantaged communities. Psychology of Music.;47(6):800-820.
Miendlarzewska, E. A., & Trost, W. J. (2014). How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables. Frontiers in neuroscience, 7, 279.
Balban, M. Y., Neri, E., Kogon, M. M., Weed, L., Nouriani, B., Jo, B., ... & Huberman, A. D. (2023). Brief structured respiration practices enhance mood and reduce physiological arousal. Cell Reports Medicine, 4(1).
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Obradović, J., *Sulik, M. J., & *Armstrong-Carter, E. (2021). Taking a few deep breaths significantly reduces children's physiological arousal in everyday settings: Results of a preregistered video intervention. Developmental Psychobiology, 63.
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Ashhad, S., Kam, K., Del Negro, C. A., & Feldman, J. L. (2022). Breathing Rhythm and Pattern and Their Influence on Emotion. Annual review of neuroscience, 45, 223–247.
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Afonso, R. F. et al. (2017). Greater Cortical Thickness in Elderly Female Yoga Practitioners-A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 9, 201.
Streeter, C. C. et al. (2020). Thalamic Gamma Aminobutyric Acid Level Changes in Major Depressive Disorder After a 12-Week Iyengar Yoga and Coherent Breathing Intervention. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 26(3), 190–197.
Dongdong Jiang, Zongyu Liu, Guoxiao Sun. (2021). The Effect of Yoga Meditation Practice on Young Adults’ Inhibitory Control: An fNIRS Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Sec. Cognitive Neuroscience https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2021.725233
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James-Palmer, A., Anderson, E. Z., Zucker, L., Kofman, Y., & Daneault, J. F. (2020). Yoga as an Intervention for the Reduction of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in pediatrics, 8, 78.
Diamond, A., & Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4 to 12 years old. Science (New York, N.Y.), 333(6045), 959–964.
Rashedi, R. N., Rowe, S. E., Thompson, R. A., Solari, E. J., & Schonert-Reichl, K. A. (2021). A Yoga Intervention for Young Children: Self-Regulation and Emotion Regulation. Journal of child and family studies, 30(8), 2028–2041.
Kanhere, S. V., Bagadia, D. R., Phadke, V. D., & Mukherjee, P. S. (2018). Yoga in Children with Epilepsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of pediatric neurosciences, 13(4), 410–415.
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Rosenkranz MA, Davidson RJ, Maccoon DG, Sheridan JF, Kalin NH, Lutz A. (2013) A comparison of mindfulness-based stress reduction and an active control in modulation of neurogenic inflammation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 27(1):174-84.
Hilton, L., Maher, A. R., Colaiaco, B., Apaydin, E., Sorbero, M. E., Booth, M., Shanman, R. M., & Hempel, S. (2017). Meditation for posttraumatic stress: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy, 9(4), 453–460
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Hofmann, S. G., & Gómez, A. F. (2017). Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Anxiety and Depression. The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 40(4), 739–749.
Hoge, E. A., et al. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for generalized anxiety disorder: effects on anxiety and stress reactivity. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 74(8), 786–792.
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Bostock, S., Crosswell, A. D., Prather, A. A., & Steptoe, A. (2019). Mindfulness on-the-go: Effects of a mindfulness meditation app on work stress and well-being. Journal of occupational health psychology, 24(1), 127–138.
Goyal, M. S. et al. (2014). Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA internal medicine, 174(3), 357–368.